Saturday, June 30, 2007

self doubt # you-count-it

Hearing Crow's crowing (or chirping, from a postcolonial viewpoint) in Calgary is secondary to nothing. Crows have been coming from nowhere to this city, to the curses of its citizens who think be an emissary of evil. But somehow,....the crowing brings in some form of familiarity in the seemingly alien surroundings here. It makes me feel good....reassured.....and reminiscent (as you can see).

Like the music played on the online radio, the B-grade movie shown in Saturday Evening Ethnic Channel, like the smell of alu-peyajkoli bhaja coming from unknown somewhere, certain primary essences of familiarity refuse to leave me...even when I least expect them to be.

As it stands now, I do understand that certain things just remain primary. Irreplaceable with anything else, even when craving for those anything-else-s never subsumes.

Somethings are just meant to be primary. And somethings will always be secondary. And even though these are not words of some deep, profound truth or realization, it takes a lot of failures to understand them......and God knows how much more time to accept them...and move on.

How much more time........??

Would I take?

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