Monday, February 26, 2007


This is not New Year, I'm not dieting and I'm not out of love. Even though these are reasons and times to make resolutions,I hardly do/did make resolutions in these times. I make resolutions when something hits me hard.

Like last night, it did hit me after watching "Black Friday" that I waste too much time watching and being involved in activities which cannot possibly be categorized anything better than "trash". So, this day of February, bloggers witnessing, I take a resolution # 1: of not being involved in activities which give me even the slightest idea beforehand that they are not worth me. (Yes, that's one long twisted sentence, but I prefer saying it all, than saying half-truncated stuff)

Resolution no. 2: Never tell people how you had been doing. How you are. People are not interested. So suck up to them and tell them what they would rather wanna hear: that I am very fine and up and kicking. So all you folks down there....I'm fine. Thanks for your insensitivity. You rock at it!

Resolution no. 3
: Never expect anything to change. If anything does, you have your free dessert of the day. Otherwise, continue with your share of the veggies.



prodip said...

I like the 2nd one.......actually it is not about like it or is just because they way speak up....I think most of the people just ask those questions for formalities...they never feel you or they even does bother what you're gonna say....whether you’re passing hard time....even you don’t know who is rival....they might feel happy to hear some bad story from you

idle-labour said...

Yes...certain people enjoy hearing about your hardships so that they can derive some pleasure out of their evening tea.

prodip said...

I think it’s a kind of sickness

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