Since it is my blog's birthday, (it's 3 years), I thought I would take one hard look at the craft, without getting crafty. I find I have half of the humour that used to be in the beginning. I have lost time to write more. But dear folks, I haven't lost on the critical introspection. I asked myself, why do I blog? Why do we blog? Why do you blog? And, why doesn't one blog?
I was telling a friend of mine that someday I would write on the Sociology of blogging. If there could be that proverbial sociology of hilsa fish, this should be cakewalk. And what better way to do this cakewalk on the birthday of this blog? (Well almost, I'm just a day late....)
Based on cursory glances here and there, and years of lit review, I take off from from an old and golden adage.
First, Some are born bloggers. Like the kid who would write in the last page of the Maths exercise copy of how he hates studying; like the student who would get inspired from Anne Frank's diary and start writing her own (it's more likely that this would be done by a "she" than "he"....take it from me), and even certain persons in facebook or orkut who write one big ass paragraph everyday on how life should be and make sure you notice, comment and do everything possible but dislike that. The innate sense of blogging make these people perform with very little resources as they provide an allay for their expressions. These blogs are sustainable blogs though might not be environment-friendly, since they exclude the alleviation of the reader's mind by defying the laws of social acceptance. One such legendary example is here.
Some achieve blogging through certain rites-de-passage of life, such as attaining motherhood (mommy blogs!), being a superstar (Aamir Khan and Amitabh Bachchan), getting married (wedding blogs for hapless posterity), discovering one's sexual identity, being the research supervisor (yes, there are "how-to" and "don't do" blogs written by the species), sulking blogs that are written after break-ups or other such angst corners.
And, ladies and gentlemen, some have greatness thrust upon them. Like greatbong. Like bongmom. If they don't blog, where would we be? One gigantic quality in them: they blog passionately and are dispassionate on the comments. We, the lesser mortals, bruise easily. Therein, is also a piece of their greatness.
Therefore, Be not afraid of blogging. Grey areas are there not only inside and outside of your head but almost everywhere you are afraid of committing. They are cushions in the world of prickly heat; You or I might not want to belong to any of the above categories, but we can always soothe ourselves through blogging categorically, regardless, and continue feeling that we can't be categorized.And when you need a little abstraction in life, when you need to get away from the gore and grit, you can write anything you fancy and achieve surreal bliss by finally applying the suggested label of "scooters" by blogspot. Heck, somebody's gotta blog about scooters, the primary suggestion by this webhosting redeemer, isn't it?
Consequently, there is a higher chance that you will get into the rhythmic flow, like for example, keep on writing on shooters, hooters, losers, messers and so on. Ever wondered why the "XYZ and messers" named shops are no longer seen? And remember how you used to have the cotton-candy from the seller stationed outside of it?
It's that easy.